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Matasha Mazis, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, vol. 7 pts. 1 and 2: The Metals
16.08.2023 von Jane Kreiser
The author, Matasha Mazis, is a Research Associate in Archaeology at the Technical University of Darmstadt, specializing in archaeometallurgy. Her interest in this field began with her doctoral research at the University of Melbourne in 1998, where she explored Late Iron Age iron technologies in the highland region of north-eastern Anatolia.

Overlooking the Euphrates in northern Syria, Jebel Khalid – the ancient name of which unfortunately remains unknown – was likely founded by Seleucus I Nicator early in the third century BC, to be abandoned three centuries later when the Seleucid Empire collapsed.
This seventh and final volume in the Jebel Khalid series presents the nearly 4000 metal finds recovered over almost a quarter of a century of Australian fieldwork at the site. It comes in two parts, the first presents the military finds and horse fittings, blades, various tools, weights, and metal waste. The second is devoted to fittings and fasteners, household items, and objects for personal use, such as bangles, finger rings, and earrings. Both include richly illustrated catalogues and detailed commentaries that explore the significance of the metal finds during the site’s major periods of activity.
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